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Inscription pour la catéchèse à la paroisse Saint-Patrick de Sherbrooke


It is now time to register the children for first Holy Communion

(Grade 3) and Confirmation (Grades 5 & 6). 

If you know of anyone who might want their child or grandchild to receive the holy sacraments Please spread the word.

Here is how everyone can register:

            - By calling 819-446-1138

            - On our website at


We look forward to guiding your children in their faith.


Sylvie Lafreniere

Nora Patterson

Gisele Després

St. Patrick’s Catechism Team!               

130, rue de la Cathédrale
Sherbrooke (Québec)  J1H 4M1

Téléphone  : 819 563-9934
Télécopieur : 819 562-0125

© 2021 Diocèse de Sherbrooke, Tous droits réservés.